LEAF Plantings Underway in York & Durham Regions

Photo: Brian Millward (LEAF)

Trees for Life is supporting the planting of over 2,500 trees and shrubs in York Region through Local Enhancement and Appreciation of Forests’ (LEAF) Community Tree Planting Events and their popular and successful Backyard Tree Planting Program.

LEAF works to teach people about trees and get them excited about the urban forest. They plant native trees on public and private land, which provide a multitude of benefits for communities and local wildlife. 

If you’re interested in learning more about the best tree species for your own property in the GTA and where to plant it, visit https://www.yourleaf.org/homeowners.

Photos from: Benna Ansett, Adriana Rezai-Stevens, and Erin MacDonald (LEAF)le


GM: The Official Vehicle Supplier of the Highway of Heroes Tree Campaign


Alternate-Leaf Dogwood (Cornus Alternifolia)